
Death knight wrath talent calculator
Death knight wrath talent calculator

Glyph of Blood Tap- This glyph will allow you to use your Blood Tap without paying the health cost, I highly recommend this glyph for raiding. Focusing on mitigating damage, it makes the most out of talents like Will of the Necropolis from the Blood tree, Frigid Dreadplate from the Frost tree, and Anticipation from the Unholy tree.Glyph of Pestilence- This is the only minor glyph that provides a tangible dps increase, as it will allow you to spread your diseases to targets that would otherwise be out of range.Glyph of Raise Dead- This glyph will free up a ton of bag space, and is near mandatory for Unholy, your pet is going to die, and it's going to die a lot.Glyph of Icy Touch- This glyph provides a large boost to your Frost Fever, which is a good portion of your AOE and Single Target damage as Unholy.Glyph of the Ghoul- This glyph is the single highest dps increase for Unholy Death Knights, as your ghoul is a large portion of your damage, especially as Dual Wield using Ghoul Frenzy.Glyph of Death and Decay- This is what you'll use as 'Morb' spec, as Death and Decay is a massive amount of our damage.Glyph of Dark Death- As the only Runic Power spender for Unholy, Death Coil is a good share of your single target damage, this glyph is incredibly strong for fights with no cleave, where it will minorly beat out Glyph of Icy Touch.Glyphs for Unholy Death Knight DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classesįor old builds before Patch 4.0.1, see Death knight builds/Archive.A major portion of our AOE damage, each time one of our dots tick on a pack of mobs, it has a chance equal to your crit to proc an extra AoE explosion around the target that does damage equal to the dot tick. Even though each of the 3 trees is capable of tanking, that is only true if you have the appropriate talents within your tree. Any build that has over 52 points will be moved to the Death knight build samples. See Death Knights as Tanks for more info. Please see the Death knight build samples page for more helpful Unholy Build Samples. A collection of addons, guides, and references for World of Warcraft the Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5 on Warmane. Are you curious about the changes and additions in store for class talents in Wrath of the Lich King? The new interactive talent trees for every class are now live. Draenei, Human, Gnome, and Night Elf are the best Alliance options. (Picture: Blizzard Entertainment) There are many Races you can pick to build your ideal Death Knight. Blizzard Entertainment is offering a Talent Calculator for World of Warcraft players to look at the upcoming changes and new Death Knight class. Best Death Knight Builds in WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic features a new class called Death Knights.

Death knight wrath talent calculator